A Simple Thank You To All Our FreightWorks Drivers
There’s never a day when the powerful, consistent and valued contributions of the FreightWorks driver team goes unnoticed.
Each week is a chorus of committed effort with each instrument in our corporate symphony tuned and ready to go.
Our music is the sweet sounds of selfless service to loyal customers who’ve come to expect the dependable, unwavering commitment of a “FreightWorks way of doing business.”
Behind the colorful story of a fast growing trucking & logistics enterprise are our professional drivers. We begin and end our story with you!Early mornings. Late nights. Unforeseen events on the road. Fickle weather. Reckless drivers. Weather with a mind of its own. Menacing moments. Miracles in the mundane.
Lots of loads from fruit to freight, hazardous materials, precious cargo and everything imaginable transported in trucks primed to hit the road 24/7 and trekking throughout each of the states in our beautiful and blessed America.
We salute our professional drivers who as men and women, solos and teams, regional and over-the-road are such worthy ambassadors for a company committed to keeping our promises, exceeding expectations and in the end valuing people more than profits and long term relationships far more than just immediate transactions.
Through all the uncertainties in the days ahead be certain of this....
We’ve never forgotten our humble beginnings nor the blessings afforded to us each day as our diverse driving tribe “suits up and shows up” for another day of hard work.
The term “unsung hero” has been worn out with overuse. It can come across like a threadbare tire on a wobbly wheel or sound like faint praise from a yawning admirer.
But our salute is straight from the heart. The 3.5 million professional truck drivers in America keep our great nation moving. And...the 150+ drivers in our FreightWorks company family keep our special transportation enterprise growing!
From north, south, east and west we lift our hearts and voice in a simple “thank you!” All our lives are richer because of your services and sacrifices.
We’re so grateful.
The FreightWorks Team